




  • 不妨的英文

    发音:[bùfáng] 解释:there is no harm in might as well could as well might (just) as well do sth.

  • 虽然的英文

    发音:[suīrán] 解释:although even though though nathless notwithstanding notwithstand for all not but than even if all be it albeit altho while non obstante howbeit

  • 中英文在线翻译

    中英文在线翻译是一种在线翻译工具,为网民提供即时响应的中文转换成英文的在线翻译或者人工翻译服务。中文名 中英文在线翻译 词典 5种 服务宗旨 为网民提供即时响应的中文转换成英文的在线翻译...

  • 左右的英文

    发音:[zuǒyòu] 解释:around about approximately left and right somewhere from side to side L/R ral right-left

  • 的确的英文

    发音:[díquè] 解释:really indeed upon my word in troth sure as sure as a gun in faith of a surety forsooth duly undonely certes yea rather certainly and no mistake

  • 主题的英文

    发音:[zhǔtí] 解释:theme subject mythos motif topic staple thesis lemma subject-matter text object matter motive TOPICS subject matter

  • 会议的英文

    发音:[huìyì] 解释:conference meeting council board junta meetings talk-in councilboard Soviet diet synod seance session convocation congress conventions council

  • 甚至的英文

    发音:[shènzhì] 解释:even so much so that nay indeed go so far as to went so far as to so far as to gone so far as to goes so far as to go so far as do went to the length of e'en

  • 酸的英文

    发音:[suān] 解释:acid sore sour ache tartness acerbity acidum phenol tart verjuice Acis soreness

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