新交际英语阅读教程3 Unit3 Jobs课后习题参考答案.pdf
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新交际英语阅读教程3 Unit1 Advertising课后习题答案
13)regular communication 7) overall strategy 14) ordinary consumers 15) made the right move 16) cheaper strategies ...
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Unit1 Advertising Reading and Studying Reading Comprehension 1.1)F 2)T 3)T 4)T 5)F 6)F 7)F 8)F 9)T 10)T 2.1)Because of the an-obesity efforts,Coca-Cola gained the upper hand not ...
新交际英语 综合教程3 课件 Unit 3 Jobs.pdf
pdf,U N Jobs I T 3 新交际英语综合教程3 Contents I Working A.App ly ing f or a j ob II Looking for jobs B.Opp ortunities and challenges f or j obs in the f uture III Job satisfaction IV Work ethic 新交际英语综合教程3 I Working How many occ
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文档名称:新交际英语阅读教程3(张文忠)参考译文.pdf 格式:pdf 大小:15.3MB 总页数:31 2022-11-01发布于福建 上传者:153*9532 下载源文档需要:169金币 阅读:1405 新交际英语阅读教程3...
新交际英语写作教程3 (郑超)课后习题答案 Unit 1 De 行 nition —InSane football fans WarmuP ACtiVity I) AmeriCanS ref⅛r to fbotball as a game Widely di...
新交际英语 综合教程3 课件 Unit 2 Sports.pdf
pdf,U N Sports I T 2 新交际英语综合教程3 Contents I Watching sports II Playing sports A.News headlines III Sports news B. Football news IV The sporting s...
新交际英语 综合教程3 课件 Unit 1 Advertising.pdf
pdf,U N Advertising I T 1 新交际英语综合教程3 Contents A.Criteria f or a good I What is a good advertisement ?advertisement B. Coca-Cola advertisements II What...