




  • "内在美" 地道英文怎样说啊?

    内在美"地道英文怎样说啊?inner qualities/inner beauty inner qualities/inner beauty beauty inside

  • 内在美,外在美,英语怎么说?

    内在美inner beauty外在美external beauty或者outer beauty很高兴为您解答,希望对您有所帮助,

  • “内在美才是心里美”用英文怎么写

    “内在美才是心里美”用英文怎么写Inner beauty is beauty. Inner beauty is beauty. Inner beauty is XinLiMei

  • “人的外表可以改变,但是内在美却是无法改变的”英语怎么说

    One's apperance can be changed,but his innermost being cannot. men like the girl who has not only external beauty but also inner beauty.

  • 内在美的英文

    解释:inner beauty

  • 追求外在美而放弃内在美不是真正的美用英语怎么说

    追寻外在美而不追寻内在美就不是真正的美。用形式主语代替不定式主语可起到转移句子重心(保持平衡),更为地道。The beauty you get by means of running after the external beauty but giving up the inner beauty is not the real beauty

  • 内在美

    论科学理性美的内在特征及其美学价值17.Watts recommends installation indoors or above ground in an insulated enclosure.美国瓦茨建议安装在室内或地面上的保温罩内。18. Price $ 14.90, postage incl...

  • 内在美

    通过分析人格与 内在美 的本质联系,用大量的事实揭示了人格所具有的时代性和继承性,指出高尚的人格所给予他人的美是一种在心灵深处的沟通和震憾,是在心灵升华和陶冶的同时达到的一种浑然忘我的境界,是 内在美 得以永恒的重要原...

  • “人的外表可以改变,但是内在美却是无法改变的”英语怎么说

    “人的外表可以改变,但是内在美却是无法改变的”英语怎么说One's apperance can be changed, but his innermost being cannot.One's apperance can be changed, but his innermost being cannot. One's apperance can be changed, ...

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