




  • 教室标语

    教室标语 1.To take full advantage of the role of classroom slogans in educating people and optimize the use of them,this thesis comes up with the following principles which should ...

  • 安全宣传标语汇总45句

    growing up is a game against yourself. dont worry that others will do better than you. you just need to do better every day than the day before.同学互助一起进步(页眉可删)_年安全宣传标语汇总45句 盲目蛮干是事故的导火索,谦虚谨慎是安全的铺路石。以下是搜索整理的安全宣传标语45句,欢迎大家阅读

  • 2021年安全宣传标语汇总85句

    dont give up and dont give in.悉心整理助您一臂(页眉可删)2021年安全宣传标语汇总85句 互保自保人人保,群乐自乐家家乐。下面是为大家提供的安全宣传标语85句,欢迎大家阅读。1、培育创新...

  • 宣传标语英文翻译精选70条

    1、For man is man and master of his fate. 人就是人,是自己命运的主人。2、You are not in charge of the universe;you are in charge of yourself. 你并不掌管整个宇宙,但你得掌管你自己。...

  • 消防宣传标语

    关于消防宣传标语 Fire Fighting Slogan 全民关注消防,生命安全至上。Every person concerns about fire prevention;life safety is supreme. Setiap orang memperhatikan pencegahan ...

  • 幼儿园做好疫情防控工作宣传标语横幅


  • 爱护草坪中英文宣传标语

    1、您的呵护将换来翠绿一片!Your love will make the school green!2、小草对您微微笑,请您把路绕一绕!The grass will smile to you for your detour. 3、芳草青青,足下留情. Lift up your ...

  • 2015年世界人口日主题宣传标语

    1999年:60亿人口日开始倒计时(start the count-up to the day of six billion) 2000年:拯救妇女生命(saving womens lives) 2001年:人口、发展与环境(populatin,development and the ...

  • 关于“无手机课堂”的标语

    “21天课堂无机行动”手环标语: 1、拒做低头族!2、left is always right,look up!3、don't touch your phone,asshole!4、别低头,王冠会掉!5、再玩手机就剁手!挑战规则:挑战者佩戴手环于...

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