




  • Versatile是什么意思

    发音:['vɜːsətaɪl] or ['vɝsətl] 解释:(adj.) able to move freely in all directions; 'an owl's versatile toe can move backward and forward'; 'an insect's versatile antennae can move up and down or laterally'; 'a versatile anthe

  • versatile是什么意思


  • versatile是什么意思

    同义词 a.various 参考例句 1.Our purpose here is simply to learn the use of these versatile components. 我们现在的目的只是学会使用这种多用途的元件。2.This landscape is inspired by ...

  • 每日一练:掌握多才多艺的英语表达技巧

    情境应用 :将"versatile"融入到描述人的才能、技能或物品的多种功能中。同义词拓展 :了解"versatile"的同义词如"multitalented"、"all-round",以及反义词如"specialized",扩大词汇...

  • versatile是什么意思

    同义词a.various参考例子1.Our purpose here is simply to learn the use of these versatile components.我们现在的目的只是学会使用这种多用途的元件。2.This landscape is inspired by th...

  • Versatile是什么意思

    发音:['vɜːsətaɪl] or ['vɝsətl] 解释:(adj.) able to move freely in all directions; 'an owl's versatile toe can move backward and forward'; 'an insect's versatile antennae can move up and down or laterally'; 'a versatile anthe

  • versatile

    反复无常的性格Biology Capable of moving freely in all directions, as the antenna of an insect, the toe of an owl, or the loosely attached anther of a flower.【生物学】 能转动的:能自由移向各种方向...

  • versatile

    发音:['və:sətail] 解释:副词 【褒】1.有多种学问,技能或职业的;多才多艺的2.(指工具、机器等)多用途的,多功能的

  • 托福单词versatile什么意思

    versatile同义词 adj. varied,variable,skilled,mobile versatile反义词 n. unvaried,unvarying,invariable,unskilled,immobile versatile例句 1.A versatile person is often good at a number...

  • versatile

    发音:英音: ['və:sətail]   美音: ['və:sətail] 解释:副词 【褒】 1.有多种学问,技能或职业的;多才多艺的 2.(指工具、机器等)多用途的,多功能的

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