




  • close up look什么意思

    close up 在这种情况下通常写成 close-up,作形容词。a close-up look:近距离看一下。例:I can't see that clearly.Can I take a close-360问答 up look at it?

  • An up

    Su grows up in a warm family and gains her power and faith from her parents' love and support. She is also touched by Su's perseverance in pursuing her career.To depict the real ...

  • Next Look Close Up Women Suits&Dresses女士西装与套装杂志订阅|2024年期刊杂志|欢迎订阅杂志

    Next Look Close Up Women Suits&Dresses女士西装与套装杂志 在线征订 下载订单 相关信息 国家地区:德国 语种:英文 出版周期:半年刊(全年包邮) 全年订阅:2400元,全年2期 VIP 价格:...

  • A close

    报告题目:A close-up look at magnetism 报 告 人:Dr.Sebastian Loth,Center for Free-Electron Laser Science,Hamburg,Max-Planck Institute for Solid State Research,Stuttgart,Germany ...

  • close

    您是否进行工作作为一家自由雇用企业,只雇用工会会员的工厂或者两个?如果两个,它执行以同一个名字?如果不同名字,列出两个。 aclose-up look 特写镜头神色[translate]

  • 【if

    If you look up really close,there is the elementary charge e.There is the mass of the electron. 如果你仔细找的话,会找到e表示的元电荷,也能找到电子的质量。麻省理工公开课-固态化学...

  • 【look

    The mother and baby koalas decided to climb down from the tall eucalyptus trees to get a close-up look of the visitors to their home at the Koala Conservation Center in Phillip ...

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