treat的中文意思:款待;招待;乐事;乐,点击查看详细解释:treat的中文翻译、treat的发音、音标、用法和双语例句等,让你有效掌握treat这个单词。英音 [tri:t] 美音 [trit]trea...
这段英文怎么解释?I'd rather see us treat the confidence of the healthy pl
I'd rather see us treat the confidence of the healthy players that have just shut down because they're scared,as opposed to keep trying to treat the impaired players - like trying to treat unemployment or foreclosures.Th
I will treat you是什么意思?关于英语(美国)(英文)HiNative
关于 英语(美国)(英文)的问题 I will treat you 是什么意思?Tabefm:En español seria como:"te voy a recompensar"pero mas que nada en el sentido de invitarte a cenar porque me ...
treat 普通用词,指接受并诊治病人。heal 侧重指治愈伤口、伤痛如灼伤等。remedy 着重用药物对病人进行治疗。联想词 trick or treat 不招待就使坏(指万圣节孩子们挨家逐户要糖果等礼物...
trick or treat!trick questiontrickerytrickilytrickiness“每日一词”roarUKYour browser doesn't support HTML5 audio/rɔːr/USYour browser doesn't su...
Trick or treat是什么意思?关于英语(美国)(英文)HiNative
明显错误 解释不彻底 我看不懂所写语言 答案与问题无关 其他原因 您的反馈不会向其他用户显示。Got It,Thank you. Got It,Thank you. It is something we say on Halloween when we go door to ...
发音:英音 ['il 'tri:t] ; 美音 ['il 'tri:t] ; 及物动词:1.虐待
always a treat是什么意思?关于英语(美国)(英文)HiNative
"|@yulily Without knowing the exact context, I think she meant,"It's always a treat to eat this kind of food" ...
treat or treat''是什么意思?关于英语(英国)(英文)HiNative
Do you mean trick or treatPerhaps I have wrong written the first word)On haloween children trick or treat...
TREAT的发音。怎么说TREAT。听英语音频发音。了解更多。treat How to pronounce treat Your browser doesn't support HTML5 audio UK/triːt/ Your browser doesn't support HTML5 audio US/tri...