




  • 双语例句

    It 's all too hard,so I think about what to wear on our inconclusive dates and what music I should pretend to like. 所有 的 一切都是 太 困难 了,所以 我 考虑 着 在 我们 这种不 确定...

  • thinkof和thinkabout的区别

    双语例句:1. ItoldhimI'dhavetothinkaboutthatone.我告诉他那个问题我必须考虑一下。2. Ithinkweneedtogoawayandthinkaboutthis.我认为我们有必要走开一下去考虑这件事。4. You...

  • 双语例句

    We interview people how do they thinkabout broadcasting class ( this is a new class in our school ) and all project...

  • thinkabout

    We interview people how do they thinkabout broadcasting class(this is a new class in our school)and all projects are going to show on TV,cause we’ve bought the time. 我们 采访 了...

  • 双语例句

    We interview people how do they thinkabout broadcasting class(this is a new class in our school)and all projects are going to show on TV,cause we’ve bought the time. 我们 采访 了...

  • 双语例句

    ‘‘Let me thinkabout that a while and get back to you.’’ 我 考虑一下再答复 你。youdao Knock that whisky back and let me get you another. 把 那 杯 威士忌 喝了,让 我 再给 你 拿一...

  • thinkof和thinkabout的区别

    双语例句:1. ItoldhimI'dhavetothinkaboutthatone.我告诉他那个问题我必须考虑一下。2. Ithinkweneedtogoawayandthinkaboutthis.我认为我们有必要走开一下去考虑这件事。 4. Y...

  • consider的用法和短语例句

    考虑…thinkabout(sth) consideroversth consider的用法篇三 consider的用法1:consider的基本意思是用脑细想和斟酌,也可表示为找到结论而想方设法,还可以表示限定在确定的观点上,即“认为”...

  • thinkof和thinkabout的区别

    例句1.There were always things to think about when she went walking. 她去散步的时候总是有一些事情要考虑。2.

  • thinkof和thinkabout的区别

    双语例句:1. I told him I'd have to think about that one. 我告诉他那个问题我必须考虑一下。2. I think we need to go away and think about this. 我认...

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