




  • tend to 趋于

    In the United States, people tend (趋向于) to think of time as something fixed in nature, something from which one can not escape. As a rile, Am...

  • 【英语口语表达】

    1. tend to // to be likely to do sth or to happen in a particular way because this is what often or usually happens (往往会/常常就)

  • tend to do是什么意思

    词典宝为您提供tend to do是什么意思,tend to do单词翻译,tend to do的用法,tend to do的词性,tend to do短语搭配,tend to do双语例句等服务,让您轻松背单词。高中英 [tɛ...

  • tend to think of think of a way in which


  • 英文“ tend not to ”怎么说?

    tend 作为及物动词时是 “照顾、照看”的意思 作为不及物动词是 “趋向、趋于”的意思 tend not to 中是 tend 是不及物动词 后面加动词原形表示“趋向于不做某事”

  • 英语翻译

    In front of the person you love,you tend to get shy,but in front of the person you like,you can show one you like.If you try to close your eyes love ...

  • and tend to look for a blooming tree dunng the journey


  • 【tend

    金融 危机 之后 , 家庭 成员们 也 倾向 于 尽力 帮助 彼此 和 他们的 社区。youdaoAfter financial disasters family mem...

  • Angry customers tend to aim their dissatisfaction and compla试题答案

    Angry customers tend to aim their dissatisfaction and complaints at__________. 选择一项: a.those nearby b.staff members c. company managers答案是正确...

  • 英语词汇tend to的用法

    本句是一个复合句,由两个and连接起三个简单句构成。 tend to意为“倾向于”。如: tend to意为“倾向于”。如: Weeds tend to displace other plants.杂草有取代其他植物之势。Weeds tend to displace other plants.杂草有取代其他植物之势。 hold通常表示“持有;握着”。如: I managed to grab hold of the jug before

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