




  • take turns什么意思啊?

    ...reading aloud in class.(孩子们在课堂上轮流朗读。)3、Let's take turns speaking so that everyone gets a chance to talk.(让我们轮流发言,这样每个人都有机会讲话...

  • talk turns

    ...对儿 圣约翰 来的夫妇,我们 的 谈话 就 转 到了 为什么 纽芬兰 加入 加拿大的问题。youdaoWe need to take turns to talk ...

  • in turns by turns

    As much as I might talk on stage twice a week it turns out that it's really by doing and really by diving in and...

  • four turns


  • talk turns

    And time again,our talk turns to our children and our families. 一 次 又一次,我们 的 话题 转 到 孩子 与 家庭。youdao And time and again,our talk turns to our children and our ...

  • Please

    A.talk quietly B.take turns C.speak loudly 【答案】A 【解答】 2025/3/18 15:30:1 组卷:3 引用:1 难度:0.7 2.将正确的短语及汉意连线。(1)have a good time (2)...

  • take turns to是什么意思

    海词词典,最权威的学习词典,为您提供take turns to的在线翻译,take turns to是什么意思,take turns to的真人发音,权威用法和精选例句等。

  • to take turns

    We need to take turns to talk. 我们 需要 轮流 讲话。youdao S he told them to take turns to ride the bike. 她 告诉他们轮流骑自行车。youdao M rs.Stone helped them realize that it was...

  • talk away

    解释:v. 不断地谈,在谈话中度过

  • take turns to


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