suffer from造句
1、Yet the Roma also suffer from problems of their own making.(吉普赛人目前的悲惨状况也有其自身的原因。) 2、In case, you suffer from dry and itchy skin, massage your face and other exposed arms and legs with pure almond oil.(如果你的皮肤干燥发痒,用纯杏仁
suffer; suffer from选词填空。
If your parents have borrowed money from banks to pay for houses or cars, the interest rates rise was not good news.An increase in the interest rat...
suffer有遭受;忍受;容忍,宽恕,听任;允许,准许等意思,那么你知道suffer的用法吗?下面跟着学习啦小编一起来学习一下,希望对大家的学习有所帮助! suffer的用法大全: suffer的用法1:suf...
sufferfor,sufferfrom,suffer有什么区别?各:来了解一下它们各自的意思 suffer for为.而受苦 suffer from?
英语写作中“遭受”、“面对”suffer (from)、expose、encounter、face、confront等的用法
to suffer(from)weakness(problems issues attacks failures overflow congestion threats insecurity…) 例句:Their plan suffers from inadequate funding.(他们的计划遭受资金不足。The ...
suffer的用法3:suffer用作不及物动词时,常与介词from, for, by等连用,表示“因…而受罚〔苦、损〕”。suffer的用法4:suffer from和suffer在新闻记者的笔下是没有区别的,可以互换。有...
suffer的短语: suffer from(v.+prep.) 1.患(某种病);受(某种病痛)折磨 have pain or bad health because of(a disease) He often suffers from headaches.他常头痛。You must have suffered ...
Manystudents suffer from stress(压力)in their daily lives.They are under stress
Many students suffer from stress (压力) in their daily lives.They are under stress because their lives are not balanced. They worry about their study, ge...
suffer for 和suffer from