




  • 【skip

    解释:skip the step 跳过这一步

  • 【no

    解释:no skip 没有跳过

  • skip free

    Little sister,when I open my mouth and you're free to skip from my belly and out into the sunlight,be born again on your own terms. NPR:Hip-Hop:Under Fire-Slam Poetry Performance ...

  • skip to level

    解释:skip to level 跳到关卡

  • 【skip

    跨越印字机 skip printer 跨越搜寻 skip search 跳至通道控制 skip-to-channel control. 基于8个网页 相关网页 短语 alpha skip search algorithm 字母跨越搜寻算法 skip search algorithm 跳跃...

  • skip the

    解释:skip the 跳过

  • 【play.

    解释:play. skip 玩了。跳过

  • 【their

    解释:their not skip 他们不会跳过

  • 【skip

    Many of us tend to skip unknown words and gain general understandings of phrases or paragraphs from their overall context. 我们 之中 很多人 趋向 于 跳过 那些不 认识 的 词,而 只是...

  • 【skip

    解释:skip the tip 跳过小费

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