中考英语真题,put up,cheer up,set up分别是什么意思,你会吗?
中考英语真题,put up,cheer up,set up分别是什么意思,你会吗?本视频由Frankie英语云课堂原创提供,1572次播放,好看视频是由百度团队打造的集内涵和颜值于一身的专业短视频聚合平台
single set up
解释:single set up 单台设置
英语中 分别用 set out / set off / set up 各造一个句子。拜托哈。。
They set out on the last stage of their trip 、We'll set off tomorrowi set up my mind to be a good sudent 我下定决心做个好学生
set up的用法归纳
set up一般侧重建立抽象的事物,如会议、制度等,相当于establish。释义:建立;设立;组建;创建;安排;建起;安装,装配,调试(设备或机器);立业;开业;创业;安(家);开(店);引起;引发;产生;诬陷;陷害;冤枉。set u...
be set up for 如何理解
although there are still buzzing fragments in his head,causing dizziness and permanent deafness in his left ear.Almost as painful is the suspicion that he may well have been set up...
to set up the tent
去搭帐篷They went up to the mountains and found the perfect place to set up their tent .他们 上了 山 , 找到了 一个 可以 搭帐棚 的 好 地方 。youdaoWe arrived after the sun ha...
tool set up
解释:tool set up 工具设置
解释:production set up 生产设置
set up的用法归纳
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You can set up one feature at a time, or you can set
a厨师长英文 Kitchen division commander English[translate] a你很可爱,能成为朋友吗 .aYou can set up one feature at a time,or you can set 您能每次设定一个特点,或者您能设置[translate]
set up船舶英文