




  • 做练习题 用英语怎么说

    告诫自己:做练习题能够帮助你在测验的时候恢复相关的知识。Test yourself: Doing practice quizzes can help you retrieve information on test day.

  • water dog的翻译解释和例句

    名词: 1. a person who enjoys being in or on the water2. a dog accustomed to water and usually trained to retrieve waterfowl + DOG 挖 =Data Output Gate 数据输出门 domesticated by man since prehistoric times; occurs in many b

  • kimi开放API使用了,来看如何使用

    id)# 注意,之前 retrieve_content api 在最新版本标记了 warning, 可以用下面这行代替 # 如果是旧版本,可以用 retrieve_content ...

  • 科技英语名词翻译和句子翻译部分答案

    Floppy disks store less information than a hard disk drive and retrieve the information at a much slower rate.3.作为永久的计算机部件,硬盘驱动一般可以存储大量信息...

  • 新标准大学英语第二册U2 Mixed Feelings讲稿.doc

    The wreckage of the crashed plane was retrieved from the ocean.失事飞机的残骸已经从海里打捞出来trace vt.1) ...

  • 汉语译词

    Using JapaneseChinese parallel corpus to retrieve the Chinese equivalents automatically is generally applied not only i...

  • TFT常用英文词汇

    word可编辑.英文专有名词介绍1. Ge neral ( 一般专有名词)英文专有名词中文说明(数字表示有详注)LCD (Liquid Crystal Display)液晶显示器*注.Glass, substrate or glass substrate玻璃基版*注.TFT(Thin Film Tran sistor)薄膜晶体管*注.Panel面板Array排列,指在玻璃基板上做TFT的制程LCD-ArrayCell液晶填充制程 分为L

  • C语言常见命名规范

    define TIMER2_COUNT_RETRIEVE(val)((uint16)(65536-(val))) 当然,看作接口的宏可以按照函数的命名方法命名,例如: define timer2_clear()(TF2=0) define timer0_is_expired()(TF0) 5 常用...

  • 心理学研究论文写作规范


  • PyCharm 里面的 c、m、F、f、v、p 分别代表什么含义?程序员大本营

    I have four nested models (simplified here): And I want to retrieve all nested models with: However, I get the error DeviceInfos: unsupported rela...

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