




  • regard as

    Hospitalization for fractures and bone loss in adults.Why do we regard these phenomena as dull?Perceived Parental Conditional Regard and Autonomy Support as Predictors of Young Adults' Self- Versus Other-Oriented Prosoci

  • regard with

    发音:英 [riˈɡɑ:d wið] 解释:释义以(某种心态)来看…;

  • regard

    regard单词中文解释 用regard造句 My husband sends his regards . 我丈夫向你问好。 Hope to see you soon. Regards, Chris 希望很快见到你。 祝安,克里斯 regard的近义词 n. 注意;尊重;问候;凝视 estimation 、 respect 、 notice 、 publicity vt. 注重,考虑;看待;尊敬;把…看作;与…有关 view 、

  • with regard to 的翻译是:关于 中文翻译英文意思,翻译英语

    a每周你想在什么时间学习中文 When do each week you want to study Chinese ause inertial navigation bar 使用惯性导航酒吧 aenjoy dancing 喜欢跳舞 awith regard to 关于 ...

  • in that regard

    新东方在线字典为用户提供单词in that regard的释义、in that regard的音标和发音、in that regard的用法、例句、词组、词汇搭配、近反义词等内容,帮助大家掌握单词in that regard。

  • regard sth as


  • self

    1.Here was still a lofty self-regard in her bearing the dignity of a dowager empress.她那派头仍然带有高傲的自尊,具有皇太后一般的尊严。2.His causes, both healthy and re...

  • field of regard是什么意思

    海词词典,最权威的学习词典,为您提供field of regard的在线翻译,field of regard是什么意思,field of regard的真人发音,权威用法和精选例句等。英 美 能视域field of regard的英文翻...

  • have regard for是什么意思

    发音:英美 解释:重视

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