




  • processing

    名词: 1. preparing or putting through a prescribed procedure; 例子 "the processing of newly arrived immigrants"; 例子 "the processing of ore to obtain minerals" 动词: 2 property 挖 【复数】 properties 缩写 prop n. 财产, 所有物, 所有权, 性质

  • 名词解释

    加工助剂(processing aid)、加工辅助物:本身不作为食品配料用,仅在加工、配制或处 理过程中,为实现某一工艺目的而使用的物质或物料(不包括设备和器皿)。 生产日期(date of manufacture...

  • processing

    名词: 1. preparing or putting through a prescribed procedure; 例子 "the processing of newly arrived immigrants"; 例子 "the processing of ore to obtain minerals" 动词: 2 information processing 挖 信息处理, 情报整理 space 挖 spaced,

  • 名词解释

    一些在切割两条链两端平整(平末端)的DNA分子,这些末端叫平末端(blun tend)。在特定部位限制性地切割DNA分子的酶。通过该酶作用,生物基因被切成许多独立小片段,从中分离出目的基因,...

  • processing

    名词:1.(computer science)the part of a computer(a microprocessor chip)that does most of the data processing;the CPU and the memory form the central part of a computer to which the...

  • processing

    1. preparing or putting through a prescribed procedure; 例子 "the processing of newly arrived immigrants"; 例子 "the processing of ore to obtain minerals" 动词: 2 information processing 挖 信息处理, 情报

  • processing

    名词:1.(computer science)the part of a computer(a microprocessor chip)that does most of the data processing;the CPU and the memory form the central part of a computer to which the...

  • processing

    processing 挖 处理 名词:1.preparing or putting through a prescribed procedure;例子"the processing of newly arrived immigrants;例子"the processing of ore to obtain minerals"动词:2

  • processing

    名词:1.(computer science)the part of a computer(a microprocessor chip)that does most of the data processing;the CPU and the memory form the central part of a computer to which the...

  • processing

    名词:1.(computer science)the part of a computer(a microprocessor chip)that does most of the data processing;the CPU and the memory form the central part of a computer to which the...

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