




  • bauhaus是什么意思

    In fact, the prime time of Bauhaus’ instruction also ended with its movement.在此后的岁月里,这座当年被格罗皮乌斯设计为对结构与材料自主地表达的建筑物,经历了不同的政...

  • former later

    Fortunately , a few months later , Japan 's former prime minister Shigenobu Okuma came to Shirase 's rescue .幸运 的是, 几个 月 后 , 前 日本 首相...

  • 当选总理和主席是年满55周岁以上 的翻译是:Prime Minister

    a我们以后会好好看管他们 We will later be able to safeguard them well [translate]aStuds, Nuts, and Bolts 螺柱、坚果和螺栓...

  • 轻英语:《命运 or 汗水》 丘吉尔、爱因斯坦的成功看什么(上)

    had a premier army career whereby he was later elected prime minister...

  • will later be fast

    一种 新的 协调 关于 “ 分析 外, 与 快 堆 设备 和 系统 运行 的 经验 教训 的 研究 项目 ” 将 于2006年晚些时候 开始 。youdaoA new coordinated research pro...

  • ten years later

    Ten years later , Pitt became Britain 's youngest prime minister .小 威廉 ·皮特在那 十 年 后 , 成为了 英国 最 年轻的首相。youdaoAnd now , I was ...

  • 经典两分钟少儿英语成语故事:指鹿为马

    because to tell lies would make their conscience uneasy and to tell the truth would mean that they would be persecuted by Zhao Gao later. Some ministers with a sense of justice ...

  • 2021年考研英语一真题:阅读理解


  • 读原版英语不是英译中,是英译英:blindsided啥意思?

    Only about an hour later did the MTA start informing(telling) riders that it was “performing critical(important) structural work” on the express trac...

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