




  • other是什么意思


  • Others 的翻译是:其他人 中文翻译英文意思,翻译英语

    a调整密封圈,使它不紧不松,保证活塞杆能来回用手平稳地拉动而无泄漏 Adjusts the seal packing collar,causes it not not tightly not to be loose,guaranteed the connecting rod can back ...

  • 【back

    解释:back to others around 回到周围的人

  • some others和some the others区别

    2、长江师范学院始建于1931年,学校位于重庆市涪陵区,是重庆市“一圈两翼”战略支点上唯一一所本科院校,CDIO工程教育联盟成员单位。2001年,涪陵师范高等专科学校(前身为成立于1931年的涪. ...

  • in others


  • others是什么意思

    发音:英['ʌðə(r)]美['ʌðər] 解释:adj.其他的;另外的;另一个;另一边pron.其他(人或物)n.其他人(或事)adv.以其他方式

  • 演艺圈是什么意思

    Still,for others,it’s a chance at fame,and thus a possible route to attain the goal of making it in mainstream show business. 36:还是已经实现了你的所有梦想,淡出了 演艺圈,过...

  • how to find others 学习圈? how to type 中文字 easily?

    a lot because i knew they would add new functions that very useful such as 学习圈(you can issue a topic and others might join discuss with you) 馆友动...

  • how to find others 学习圈? how to type 中文字 easily?

    a lot because i knew they would add new functions that very useful such as 学习圈(you can issue a topic and others might join discuss with you) 馆友动...

  • in others

    在这之后我们通过研究更复杂的收益,以及更复杂的博弈,我们得出了另外一个结论,站在别人的立场去思考,他们会怎么做And according to Klawans and others , ritual impurity arises from physical substances and states which are not in themselves sinful.

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