VOA名师答疑2023 restrain, refrain和restrict的区别(
You can restrain yourself or others from some kind of action through methods of control.你可以通过某些控制方法来抑制自己或他人的某种行为。Like restraining your emo...
Toby can hardly believe his eyes!Anthony Browne s first book is full of the surreal details and visual humour that have made him one of the world s most popular and acclaimed picture book artists. Product Details 基本信息 IS
613集初中3年英语语法精学多解 时间介词on的用法
across,along,through的用法 热度 52 付费 across,along,through练习题(一) 热度 52 付费 across,along,through练习题(二) 热度 52 付费 among,between的用法 热度 52 付费 among,...
继续读老外的英文邮件(78)sign off on的商务用法;sign off:v.签署、签字;sign off on:v.同意、批准。(有的人不会加on,也是可以的。...
只不过前者一般讨论的事情“比较大”“消耗时间比较长”through:从头到尾嘛。5. 不确定的事情或者让别人做一件事,礼貌的表达尽量用 is it possible. 延伸了解可以看微头条“读老外邮件...
The government opened roads so relief,including medicine,could get through to the disaster site. 政府开通了道路,以便药品等救援物资可以送达灾区。And lastly,“relief”means a person...
A.from B.on C.in D.through
【试题】A.from B.on C.in D.through the countryside. 74 _______...
get through的中文翻译及用法
下文是百分网小编为大家准备了短语get through标准的中文翻译以及简单的用法,希望能对大家有所帮助!get through的中文翻译英 [ɡet θru:]美 [ɡt θru]get through 基本解释穿过;完成;读完;用完例句ph.
评论翻译:Jim Gordon I've eaten for over 65 years.Have lived/visited and eaten in 37 countries sin upxed Jul 4 2011This question is as useful (not!)...
the full range of molecular link-lenghts from 2-64 links per molecule, and nourish bacteria throughout the colon, e.g. Oligofructose-Enriched Inulin (...