




  • both of which 用法

    中文意思是“两者都……”。Both of which就是某物,修饰前面的物。例句:在复旦大学读书的时候,选修了两门特感兴பைடுநூலகம்的科目,两门功课都与计算机有关。

  • all of which引导定语从句

    1.Many theories on punishment exist, all of which are variations on a theme.关于惩罚的理论有很多,虽形式略有不同,但其主旨都是一样的。

  • of which引导的定语从句

    No immediate constituent may function in a manner equivalent to the construction of which it is a part.老师好!这里的 of which 是等于 where 吗?of which 在从句中为 a part 的定语。所以不可以用 where 替换...

  • of them还是of which

    用 many of them 还是 many of which ,请看题目:He had thousands of students, many of ______ gained great success in their own field.A. whom B. themC. which D...

  • which of 的用法

    which of 的用法-这种结构通常用来描述一组事物中具有某种共同特征或被确定下来的事物。例如:“Which of the dishes on the menu is gluten-free?”(菜单上哪些餐点不含麸质?)“Which of these books was writte...

  • 定语从句里whose 、of which、of whom 的用法

    I saw the mountain,the top of which was covered with snow.同样源自 两个简单句或一个并列句I saw the mountain.The top of mountain was covered with snow.I saw the mountain.and the top of...

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