




  • noise反义词

    外界噪声可以来自任意方向。She made a lot of noise about the poor food .她高声抱怨食物太差。The noise stopped, and then began again .噪声停止了,但不久又开始了。The ...

  • success可数吗

    同义词辨析 noise、sound、vfun是可数名词吗不是。fun是不可数名词,没有复数形式,也不可加不定冠词。fun作名词时,意思是乐趣、嬉戏、有趣的事;作形容词时,意思是开心的、使人愉快的;

  • environment可数吗是什么意思

    environment通常用作名词,有环境;外界的意思,那么environment是可数名词吗?下面跟着学习啦小编一起来学习environment的英语知识吧,希望对大家的学习有所帮助! environment词语用法 当用于计算机系统运...

  • When were you born? a. 你弟弟什么时候出生的? When your brother ?

    minute later we were . I walked around the factory looking at the building, the workers, and listening to the noise. It was . I ran back to my ...

  • 2020 去噪技术发展趋势

    图4 RAW数据图像示意传感器噪声主要包含 shot noise 和 Read noise,shot noise(散粒噪声)是指信号本身引入的噪声,均值为像素的灰度值,分布服从泊松分布,Shot noise存在的根本...

  • 噪声数

    The way to reduce total noise coefficient is indicated for multiple amplifier.本文用混合π型噪声模型 ,讨论了共发射极放大器的主要噪声来源 ,最佳源电阻和最小噪声系数...

  • 迟延时间

    are conducted to demonstrate that wavelet transform analysis computes time-delay more accurately when Signal-to-Noise is...

  • 疑问句大全——

    Could you please make less noise?你可以小声一点吗?All right,sir.好的,先生。Have you been there?你到过那里吗?

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