




  • Probability 2nd Edition by A.N.Shiryaev

    notions and statements in the book are well-motivated,explained in detail and illustrated by suitably chosen examples and a large number of exercises.Thus,the present book is a ...

  • Optimal Stochastic Control Stochastic Target Problems and Backward SDE

    namely,the second order extension was motivated by illiquidity modeling,and the controlled loss version was introduced following the problem of quantile hedging. The third part ...

  • 论坛首发:The SABR/LIBOR Market Model

    Description This book presents a major innovation in the interest rate space.It explains a financially motivated extension of the LIBOR Market model which accurately reproduces the...

  • 从(白男)朋友身上学到的处世之道(以及衍生出的杂乱思绪)


  • Applied Conic Finance

    This is a comprehensive introduction to the brand new theory of conic finance,also referred to as the two-price theory,which determines bid and ask prices in a consistent and ...

  • 市场部实习生岗位职责 (20条)

    Business success through motivated working team(internal and external partners) Capability Able to think strategically and formulate research and distribution plan for the city and...

  • Swap legs

    the currency swaps are also motivated by comparative advantage.Currency swaps entail swapping both principal and interest between the parties,with the cashflows in one direction ...

  • nonprofit

    发音:[՝nɔn՝prɔfit] 解释:adj. 非赢利的, 不以赢利为目的的, 无利可图的

  • kindly

    发音:[՝kaindli] 解释:adj. 和善的, 温和的, 好意的, 爽快的 adv. 温和地, 亲切地

  • hedonist

    解释:n. 快乐主义者, 享乐主义者

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