




  • had的否定形式

    had的否定形式是在后面加not,即had not,也可缩写成hadn't。had是have的过去式和过去分词,have可以用作助动词、动词和名词,用作助动词时的意思是“已经”,用作动词时的意思是“有,让,拿,...

  • 2021年12月英语四级仔细阅读真题及答案解析(卷一)

    This would be a form of expropriation.(这将是一种侵占财产形式),作者对于居家办公现象持批评否定态度。选项C:It should be avoided if possible(应该尽可能避免)与文章作者对应,故选C ...

  • 六种心理防御机制

    是一种:“动机性的遗忘”(motivated forgetting),个体在面 对不愉快的情堵时,不知不觉有目的地遗忘(purposeful forgetting),与因时间久而自然忘却(natural forgetting)的情 形不一样...

  • 五种心理防御机制

    是一种:“动机性的遗忘”(motivated forgetting),个体在面 对不愉快的情堵时,不知不觉有目的地遗忘(purposeful forgetting),与因时间久而自然忘却(natural forgetting)的情 形不一样...

  • would like的否定形式

    否定形式:would not like。例如:I would not like any noodles。would like,想要。例句:I would like a place I could call my own.我想要一个自己的窝儿。would like的否定是wouldn't like...

  • 否定偏移

    1.According to the metaphorical theory in functional grammar and the iconicity principle in cognitive linguistics,two prototype forms of transferred negatives can be considered as ...

  • 原型形式

    1.According to the metaphorical theory in functional grammar and the iconicity principle in cognitive linguistics,two prototype forms of transferred negatives can be considered as ...

  • 否定转移

    1.According to the metaphorical theory in functional grammar and the iconicity principle in cognitive linguistics,two prototype forms of transferred negatives can be considered as ...

  • 心理防御机制

    心理防御机制,psychological defense mechanism,是指个体面临挫折或冲突的紧张情境时,在其内部心理活动中具有的自觉或不自觉地解脱烦恼,减轻内心不安,以恢复心理平衡与稳定的一种适应性...

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