




  • 热词"抢手货"用英语怎么说?

    At one time, high-grade cosmetics were the popular items on the market.鏆傛棤鏁版嵁姝e湪杞藉叆.宸叉棤镟村鏁版嵁

  • 热词"抢手货"用英语怎么说?

    one time, high-grade cosmetics were the popular items on the market. 本文来源:中国日报网 责任编辑: 杨卉...

  • 海外英语怎么说

    已帮助: 10664 人 已 帮助: 5856 人 海外的英语是:overseas; abroad。双语例句: 1、他们在利润丰厚的海外市场 夜行气汽 上生意很多。 They do a lot of business in lucrative overseas markets. 2、我们的工业能与海外对手以平等的地 位竞争吗? Can our industry compete on equal terms with its overse

  • “牛年”用英文怎么说?cow、bull、ox 还是cattle?

    bear market。 之所以选择这两种动物,一种说法是在西方古代文明中,牛代表力量、财务和希望,熊则代表抑制狂热、消化自身、见机重生。 汉语中有“吹牛”一词,在英语里就可以用bull,表示“ 假话,瞎话;胡说 ”。 People are saying that he stole the money, but that's a bunch of bull. 汉语中有“吹牛”一词,在英语里就可以用bull,表示“ 假话,瞎话;胡说 ”。

  • 刹用英语怎么说

    So emperor Cha the Jie is malicious the heart didn't say what, just be don't hear.来自互联网3. 下一个等级是 刹 帝利,是武士。 T...

  • 管理用英语怎么说?

    Market managers have been praised for their impartial deeds.牧羊犬能够帮助牧民管理羊群。Shepherd dogs can help herders manage sheep. 管理用英语怎样说 有的地方管理不善,文...

  • 资金用英语怎么说?

    Efforts should be made to keep in touch with the main funds, and the stock market will be the main force to step in. 王师傅利用工余时间修旧利废,为厂里...

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