




  • it made my day是什么意思?关于英语(美国)(英文)HiNative

    That just made my day."|おかげで今日一日幸せです!Like HunnaSays "it made me happy (for the whole day)...

  • 【it

    解释:it just made my day 这让我很开心

  • made+my+day是什么意思

    4. V-J Day is now sometimes referred to as V-P Day (Victory in the Pacific Day) to bring it in line with V-E Day where the major enemy power, Germany, was not singled out in the way V-J Day did to Japan. 现在对日作战胜利纪念日(V-J

  • It made my day是什么意思?关于英语(英国)(英文)HiNative

    英语(英国)(英文) It made my day 是什么意思?你知道如何提升自己的外语能力吗❓只需写下外语文章并让母语使用者更正!使用HiNative,免费让母语使用者帮你订正文章✍️✨

  • You've made my day.是什么意思?关于英语(美国)(英文)HiNative

    |You could think of it as "you've made my day happy", even though it is a little more than that.

  • 当别人说“made my day”时怎么回答|HiNative

    if someone did something that made you happy that day,you say"you made my day

  • 别人说made my day,要怎么回答?

    知乎 APP 别人说made my day,要怎么回答?查看问题描述 关注问题 写回答 1 个回答 SubelandTsui 字设者 YOU TOO?编辑于 2017-03-17·著作权归作者所有 展开阅读全文 0 评论

  • You made my day是什么意思?

    你就可以说:Thanks,you made my day!2Call it a day=今天就到这里吧!可以这样理解: 因为工作完了,这一天就算结束了,才能算是完整的一天,所以说 call it a day 就变成”结束今天工作”的...

  • You made my day是什么意思?

    这一天就算结束了,才能算是完整的一天,所以说 call it a day 就变成”结束今天工作”的意思。例句: I'm tired. Let's call it a day! 我累了,咱们今天就到这吧! 3Day in and day out = 日复一日 可以这样理解: 强调重复性,比如你每天做同样的事,上学,工作,就可以用这个。 例句: Day in and day out, I pass that same woman walki

  • you made my day是什么意思?

    "You've made my day by coming to see me." said Mrs Hampton.“你们来看我太令我高兴了,”汉普顿太太说道轿没。

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