我从意大利离开 的翻译是:I'm from Italy to leave 中文翻译英文意思,翻译英语
...in patent technology question processing does not work as [translate]a我从意大利离开 I leave from Italy [translate]...
leave me alone这个在 意大利语 里怎么说?HiNative
-Lasciami solo(male)/sola(female)(=literally alone)-Lasciami stare (=leave me be)您为什么回答“嗯.”?Lasciami solo(male)/sola(female) (=litera...
When do you leave to go to ItalyWhen do you leave to go to ItalyWhen you leave to go to ItalyWhen do you vacation ...
...in patent technology question processing does not work as [translate]a我从意大利离开 I leave from Italy [translate]...
leave me alone这个在 意大利语 里怎么说?HiNative
Lasciami in pace!Lasciami stare!- Vattene e lasciami in pace!Clear off and leave me alone!lasciami da solo/a!lasciami stare!lasciami in pace!tra...
leave me alone这个在 意大利语 里怎么说?HiNative
Lasciami in pace!Lasciami stare!- Vattene e lasciami in pace!Clear off and leave me alone!lasciami da solo/a!lasciami stare!lasciami in pace!tra...
Leave me alone这个在 意大利语 里怎么说?HiNative
Lasciami in pace|lasciami solo/a|Lasciami stare/Lasciami solo/sola/Lasciami in pace|@annna4 Yes.As I've just written,leave me alone can be also translated as 'lasciami stare'.
你假期什么时候去意大利 的翻译是:When do you leave to go to Italy 中文翻译英文意思,翻译英语
青云在线翻译网,提供英语,荷兰语, 法语, 德语, 希腊语, 意大利语, 日语, 韩语, 葡萄牙语, 俄语, 西班牙语的免费在线翻译服务。 相关内容 a能源化工系统 能源化工系统 ...