




  • have to 的用法.doc

    三、have to 的否定式和疑问式一般要借用助动词do的适当形式构成。have to 的否定式是don’t have to;has to 的否定式是doesn’t have to;had to 的否定式是didn’t have to。have to的疑问式...

  • with.have区别

    而 have to 的否定式 don’t have to 意为不必(=needn‘t)。比较: You mustn‘t tell him about it.你一定不要告诉他这件事。(可能是秘密) You don‘t have to tell him about it.你不必...

  • have to和must的区别 有哪些例句

    含有must的一般疑问句,其肯定回答用must,否定回答用needn’t或don’thave to;回答含有have to的一般疑问句时,要用do的适当形式。have to和must的例句 1、In addition,we have to minimize ...

  • to have 是什么时态

    2、否定句和疑问句的构成方式不同: ①一般的情态动词直接在后面加not构成否定句,把这些情态动词提到句首就构成一般疑问句. ②而have to 的`否定句和疑问句的构成往往要借助于助动词do的适当形式或助动词will即have to,has to,had to和will have to的否定式分别为don't have to,doesn't have to,didn't have to和won't have to,疑问句是在句首加助动词

  • 情态助动词基本的有十四个:may,might; can,could; will,would; shall,should; must,need,dare,used to,ought to.had better

    3.“can(could)+have+过去分词”的疑问或否定形式表示对过去发生的行为怀疑或不肯定。如: He can not have been to that town.他不可能去过那个镇。Can he have got the book?他可能拥有这...

  • 情态动词

    have to表示客观,意为不得不去做某事。②美式英语中常用must not,mustn't是must not的缩写.mayn't,mightn't和shan't也很少用。常用 can(could),may(might),must,need,ought to,dare(dared),...

  • 句型转换(每空一词)1.I have to help my parents at home on Saturday.(改为否定句)Imy parents at home on Saturday.2.I have to ...

    1. I have to help my parents at home on Saturday.(改为否定句)

  • 高考英语词汇:must与have to的区别

    而 have to 的否定式 don’t have to 意为“不必”(=needn’t)。比较: You mustn’t tell him about it.你一定不要告诉他这件事。(这可能是秘密) You needn’t tell him about it.你不必告诉...

  • 高考英语语法之must,have to和have got to的用法

    由must引起的疑问句,肯定回答要用must或have to,否定回答要用needn’t或don’t have to,意思是“不必”;must的否定形式mustn’t表示禁止,意思是“不能,不许”。如: We must find a good ...

  • nothing if not,never too.to,not.for nothing等否定形式表达肯定.

    再没有比„„ 21.have never 比较级最„„;再没有比„„更„;该句型从反面表 „„”的概念 例如:的概念。Wehave never seen moreinteresting film than mostinteresting film haveever seen....

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