




  • 我见犹怜的近义词

    翻译 Even I cannot help loving her upon seeing her“ 我 ”的成语“ 见 ”的成语“ 犹 ”的成语“ 怜 ”的成语鲍子知我彼竭我盈彼弃我取彼众我寡敌众我寡尔虞我诈...

  • 鸡犬不宁的近义词

    翻译 even fowls and dogs are not left in peace be greatly upset like a poultry yard visited by a fox“ 鸡 ”的成语犬 不 “ 宁 ”的成语

  • 2016职称英语词汇N开头:notwithstanding什么意思及同义词

    同义词:even so,however,all the same,nevertheless,nonetheless,still,withal,yet。单词分析:这些前置词或前置短语都含有“虽然,尽管”之意。despite:书面用词,指不受某事或某种...

  • Jason是什么意思,Jason的意思翻译、用法、同义词、例句

    Jason had helped him out with a series of loans, until he could get back on an even keel.詹森给他提供了一连串贷款帮他摆脱困境,直到他能够重新稳定下来。Jason was...

  • 没齿难忘的近义词

    发音:mò chǐ nán wàng 同义词:念兹在兹没齿不忘铭心刻骨 反义词:过河拆桥忘恩负义 没齿:终身。一辈子也忘不了。 出处:唐·李商隐《为汝南公华州贺赦表》:“司马谈阙陪盛礼,没齿难忘。”

  • although(同义词)

    I’ll go and help them even though I stop my work.即使我停下自己的活不干,我也要去帮助他们.8. though还可作并列连词,相当于and yet(然而,可是),它引导的分句常对另一...

  • 耳熟能详的同义词

    Even the name is a familiar term in the classical rites of initiation.大家耳熟能详的灰姑娘的美丽故事。Everybody has heard the beautiful story of cinderella.热切关注的环境问题也开始翻动那些耳熟...

  • raise的同义词

    6. Chris couldn't even raise the energy for a smile.克里斯甚至连笑一笑的力气都没有。7. They also hammered away at Labor's plans to raise taxes.他们还...

  • 凹凸不平的同义词词有哪些


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