




  • 求助pool estimation和pooled estimation的区别

    打开一个pool窗口,先输入变量后缀,在工具栏中点击estimate键,打开pooled estimation窗口 然而,我的软件里打开pool文件后,打开estimate后出现的是pool estimation,不是pooled estimation。界面也不同,如下。做出来的结果也是...

  • estimatevsestimation

    二者基本上是同词,分别在于estimate为可数名词(countable),estimation则除为可数名词外,亦能作 不滑察搏可数名词 用。亦即是说,当采不可数形式时,必须使用estimation而不能用estimate。

  • 在统计学中,estimator跟estimate有什么区别

    在统计学中,estimator跟estimate有什么区别你好estimator是对参数估计的random variable而estimate是该estimator的一个具体值...

  • estimation 和 assessment的区别

    看下下面几个例子也许你会了解它们之间的区别: 多数都能缺乏污染发生之前的历史资料和基础数据,无法比较污染(压力因素)出现前后的情况,难以完整全面地描述危险度特征,致使危险度评定(assessment)实际上变成了危险度评估(estimation)。反应评估(Dose-Response Assessment) 风险估计(Risk Estimation)

  • estimate(a noun)和estimation和有什么不一样?HiNative

    如果难以说明的话,请教我一下例句。"Estimate" is the thing that is estimated, while "estimation" is the concept or process of estimating itself. ^w^"Estimate" is the thing tha...

  • estimate

    "in my estimation the boy is innocent"a document appraising the value of something (as for insurance or taxation)a statement indicating the likely c...

  • 差分估计,estimate of difference,音标,读音,翻译,英文例句,英语词典

    The method, variance component estimation of Helmert type, is often used to solve the problem that the weight ratio ...

  • 在统计学中,estimator跟estimate有什么区别?

    Estimation theory is concerned with the properties of estimators;that is, with defining properties that can be used to compare different estimators (different rules for creating estimates) for the same quantity, based on

  • 会计估计的英文是什么?是accounting estimate 还是 accounting estimation 如果是前者的话请讲一下原因

    是accounting estimate 还是 accounting estimation 如果是前者的话请讲一下原因accounting estimate是正确的.estimate可作名词 通常会计估计加后s,即accounting estimates

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