




  • cut的用法

    7、cut from 从…上切下【例句】This meat is cut from that big one这块肉是从那个大块肉上切下来的。8、 cut through 刺穿;抄近路走过 【例句】I like to, every now ...

  • cut loose是什么意思、翻译

    Cut loose for a comfortable fit through the seat and thigh, it sits low on the waist and tilts higher in back.通过减小了臀部和大腿提供舒适的感觉,低腰和倾斜较...

  • cut是什么意思

    伤口;切口;削减;(服装等的)式样;削球;切入;vt. [机] 切割;削减;缩短;刺痛;vi. [机] 切割;相交;切牌;停拍;不出席;adj. 割下的;雕过的;缩减的 美 [kʌt] 考点解读 托福 雅思 Of

  • cut是什么意思

    record a performance on (a medium);"cut a record"create by duplicating data;"cut a disk""burn a CD"form or shape by cutting or incising;

  • lampshade cut through half cut machine

    广告 lampshade cut through half cut machine 19:55 广告 广告 广告 了解详情>0 会员跳广告 首月9.9元 0 秒后跳过广告 开通搜狐视频黄金会员,尊享更高品质体验!1080P及以上画质仅为 黄金会员...

  • through的用法总结 有哪些使用方法

    Score lightly at first and then repeat, scoring deeper each time until the board is cut through.先轻轻地划一下,然后反复划,一次比一次划得深些,直到木板被完全割开...

  • cut 的短语都有哪些意思

    to remove unwanted or unnecessary parts from something by cutting it切除,剪掉 ◆The surgeon cut away the tumour with expert skill. ◆He cut

  • 1

    and we cut our teeth means they experience sphere of activity with particular organizations.in other words it means what they went through in ordered to accomplish they're goal.i ...

  • 李蒙连忙“呜呜”出声。那个人不耐烦:“你干什么?李蒙张了张夹着的腿,那个人明白了:“你要撒尿?李蒙点头。那个人走过来,拨开李蒙的腿...

    The man came, cut through the legs of Li Meng, across the green uniform pants trouser seat rubbed Li Meng's penis. Li Meng suddenly think emiction...

  • cut the grass是什么意思?

    也可以译为“坚持到底”哦 例: I had gotten through nine out of ten questions on the test, i was ready to cut the grass.

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