




  • 【could中文什么意思

    We've come to see you,so you could at least stand and greet us properly. 我们来是为了看你,你至少应该站起来欢迎我们一下。例: Why couldn't she have said something?为什么她不能说点...

  • An+Amazon是什么意思

    到目前为止,只有很少的一些果核已经被取到并能追溯到冰河时代,但他们并不能提供足够的信息来证明亚马逊雨林是如何对气候变化起作用的。5. The Amazon was named after a ...

  • 如何发出纯正的美式发音:一口气训练法

    B: Oh, I've been super。A: Hey, could I borrow your car for the weekend?B: Go to hell!The last time you borrowed my car you wrecked it。...

  • 小鸡英语怎么读

    10、Could've happened when I brought that chick up there.当我把那女人带上去时已经发生了。 11、This year they...

  • 发音区别17讲:英美音无缝切换不是梦!

    、should’ve、would’ve、could’ve、going to、kind of.非正式语体:Informal - Relaxed Speech: joo、 wanna、 gotta、shoulda、woulda、coulda、gonna 、ki...

  • 【英语】BBC发音教程

    Could you get a packet of biscuits?Can you give it to me?I had an apple for lunch today.QER有点懵。涨知识。不理解。 linking -w-Tim When ...

  • 地道英语发音是这样炼成的

    Tell him to ask her„.Lea(ve him)[vim].For him(连读这个词,会发现和 forum 很相似)我第一次知道这一连读规则时,兴奋不已,很容易的听懂了许多以前觉得很难以理解的句子,并且按照这种连读...

  • you're beautiful 这首歌中的歌词是flying high还是fucking high

    当她也想到我们应该在一起时。But it's time to face the truth, 但,该是面对事实的时候了,I will never be with you.我和你永远无法相依.

  • 日本人能读懂中文吗

    They’d claim the could, but then, they could only point out the very general topic and not really what was happening in it.上世纪90年代,当我能够流利地阅...

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