




  • jumble

    That's because,as scientific investigation shows,the world is ordered,rational and coherent,not just a haphazard jumble of events and phenomena.[1] 这是因为,如科学调查显示,峮[qú...

  • imperative是什么意思、翻译

    Its syntax appears to be that of a succession of three imperative clauses:one pointless,one mysterious,and one scarcely even coherent. 我看到的是三个连续的祈使动词:其一毫无意义...

  • coat是什么意思、发音和在线翻译

    及物动词1. The pill is coated with sugar.这药丸包了糖衣。2. Pills are sometimes coated with sugar.药丸有时包上一层糖衣。名词1. This woodwork has had its...

  • 说,说话,说说 讲,讲话 谈,谈话,交谈和聊天 倾诉和有什么不一样?HiNative

    in a coherent manner.讲故事 tell a story exception: 说英语=讲英语=speak in English 讲话 is usu.to give a talk/speech. 在典礼上的讲话 the speech during t...

  • 韩礼德:系统功能语法导读

    语篇功能:The textual function refers to the fact that language has mechanisms to make any stretch of spoken or written discourse into a coherent and unified text and make a living...

  • 2021考研英语一真题及答案解析(三)在职研究生招生信息网

    For Questions 41-45, you are required to reorganize these paragraphs into a coherent article by choosing from the list A-G and filling them into the ...

  • 凝聚是什么意思

    form tiny droplets)​, ag GRE gation, coherent德语 gerinnen, kondensieren (V)​法语 condensation, conglomére...

  • voice的中文意思

    发音:英音 [vɔis] ; 美音 [vɔis] ; 解释:名词1.[C,U]嗓音,说话,歌唱声2.有…嗓音的3.发言权,发表意见的权利,影响4.可数名词:呼声,意见,态度,心声5.主动/被动语态6.不可数名词:浊音(声带震动发出的原音和某些辅音)及物动词:1.表达,吐露(情感或意见)2.发浊音,发嗓音

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