




  • clothes tree

    发音:英 [kləuðz tri:] 解释:n.衣帽架,柱式衣帽架;衣架;

  • 把衣服放进篮子里用英语怎么说

    take clothes into basketput the clothes into the basket

  • 用英语怎么说?

    is also a fan of independent arthouse cinema and retro-style clothes.

  • 滥竽充数英语怎么说?

    She put in some clothes, odds and ends, and make-up她将一些衣服、化妆品和零碎物品放了进去。5. 凑足;补齐;弥补;补考,重修Ask for an extra compensation payme...

  • 缀的英文怎么说

    For example, Shaman of Oroqen and Ewenki nationalities always decorate their clothes with beast bones or teeth.例如:鄂伦春、鄂温克族萨满的服饰上,都要缀以兽骨、兽...

  • clothes

    联合广场的变化-SpeakingMax英语口语达人 I went to an online clothes store to find something to buy my wife for Christmas but I didn't have a clue what I wanted,"he said. BBC:NEWS|...

  • 这个英文句子算比喻句么?

    Tide gets clothes so white and clean-it's like a present everyday!看起来好像比喻句,是属于明喻么?顺便问下,明喻句的英文怎么说,Tide是洗衣粉举报明喻句.明喻有like,as等...

  • 设法的英文怎么说

    我们设法达成了某种临时的妥协. He tried to shake sands off in his clothes.他设法抖掉衣服上的沙子。She managed to wangle an invitation to the reception.她设法弄...

  • 贴身的英文怎么说

    (of clothes) fitting(too)tightly or closely(指衣服)(过于)贴身的,紧身的 The milk fibre underwear is a high-tech product with a feeling of a bosom friend.

  • “开/关灯”用英语怎么说?可不是“ Open / Close light”哦!

    快来看看这些日常表达,你都能一次说对吗?洗衣服 ≠ Wash clothes洗是Wash,洗衣服是Wash clothes吗?No!用“wash”来...

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