有谁知道,bite into a corner这个短语的含义?
有谁知道,bite into a corner这个短语的含义?咬入角 corner角落,角;拐角
bite into an apple
While an apple of peas or grain can be directly taken off the plant and eaten,can you wring a chicken 's neck and then bite into it?苹果、豌豆、谷物 大多 直接 摘 下来 即可食用,你 ...
词汇“bite into”的读音、翻译、用法及例句
The food is bad in this cafe,but there is plenty of fruit,especially peaches,whose juice drips down your chin as you bite into them.这个咖啡馆的食物很难吃,但有很多水果,特别是...
bite+into ice scream是什么意思
可可在线词典为广大英语学习爱好者提供优质的在线查词服务 3.Icicle formed from ice,ice curtains,bing pu,Ice,ice Buddha,ice bed,ice bell,iceman,ice Buddha and so on,strange,and so on. ...
bite into
必应词典为您提供bite-into的释义,na.“Bite in”的变体;网络释义:咬进;咬住;咬了一口;
bite into
海词词典,最权威的学习词典,专业出版bite into是什么意思,bite into的用法,bite into翻译和读音等详细讲解。海词词典:学习变容易,记忆很深刻。
biteinto;goabout;letout;drawup;setdown;holdonto;bringup;makeout;dryup;putout;livethrough;setoff;callfor;tearapart;buyoff;buildin;counton;sinkin 1.1848wasayearofrevolutioninEurope;KarlMarxa...
bit into a corner是什么意思,咬成一个角吗?
bite into
bite into的中文意思:na.“Bite in”的变体…,查阅bite into的详细中文翻译、发音、例句和用法等。