




  • come back是什么意思

    1、There is no telling when she will come back. 说不准她什么时候回来。2、He came back in the late afternoon. 他在傍晚回来。3、She came back two hours later. 她两小时后回来了。

  • 高中英语:after与later的区别

    1、after后面要加一个时间点或者表示时间的标志,可以是单词,词组或者从句,比如after 8 o'clock(8点以后),after lunch(午餐后),after he went school(他去学校以后)。

  • come back和go back你能分清楚吗?

    But later,when he returns to your house,he tells you he left your car at the grocery store. 但后来,当他回到你家时,他告诉你他把车忘在杂货店了。So you tell him:"Go back and get it...

  • come back和go back你能分清楚吗?

    But later,when he returns to your house,he tells you he left your car at the grocery store. 但后来,当他回到你家时,他告诉你他把车忘在杂货店了。So you tell him:"Go back and get it...

  • My father is

    You will have to call back later.A.inB.onC.at的答案解析,刷刷题为用户提供专业的考试题库练习。一分钟将考试题Word文档/Excel文档/PDF文档转化为在线题库,制作自己的电子错...

  • three days later 和 after three days 用法一样吗?柯帕斯英语网

    She came back home after two o'clock . 她两点钟之后回到了家里。( 时间点 )She will come back home after two o'clock . 他两点钟之后将会回到家里。( 时间点 )

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