“长风破浪会有时 直挂云帆济沧海”翻译成英语应该怎么说?360问答
“长风破浪会有时 直挂云帆济沧海”翻译成英语应该怎么说?曾经在新东方听过英语翻译,不好意思忘记了,那位大虾能翻译下,精辟点儿的~~拜托了! I will mount a long wind s...
题目 '长风破浪会有时,只挂云帆济沧海'英语怎么表达?答案 A time will come for me to ride the wind and cleane the waves,I will set my cloud while sail and cross the sea which waves
人气:478 ℃时间:2020-08-28 22:04:17A time will come for me to ride the wind and cleane the waves,I will set my cloud while sail and cross the sea which waves
“长风破浪会有时,直挂云帆济沧海。英译 就是把这句话译成英文,要专业点的。Braving the wind and the waves may hang straightly sometimes,to say that sail helps the sea
A time will come for me to ride the wind and cleane the waves,I will set my cloud while sail and cross the sea which waves