




  • my hobbies英语作文

    my hobbies英语作文My hobbiesDifferent people have different hobbies.Such as sailing,climbing and mountain biking.But my hobbies are swimming and painting.I timided when I was a ...

  • my—hobbies英语作文

    my—hobbies英语作文myIenjoysingingverymuch.Whilesinging,myheartaswellasmybodyisjoyful.WhenI'mhappy,Ioftensingouttosharemyhappinesswithothers.Ialsosingouttopouroutmybadfeeling swhenI'mupset. Ilikepopmusicmo...

  • hobbies英语作文

    hobbies英语作文 篇1 i have many hobbies,such as sports,singing,playing the violin and keeping a diary. in school,i often hear the p.e.teacher say,sports do good to ones health,and ...

  • hobbies英语作文300字(通用29篇)

    在生活、工作和学习中,大家对作文都再熟悉不过了吧,作文根据写作时限的不同可以分为限时作文和非限时作文。你所见过的作文是什么样的呢?下面是小编收集整理的hobbies英语作文300字,仅供参考,希望能够帮助到大家。hobbies英语作文300字 篇1hello!

  • 英语作文范文

    英语作文范文-范文-Hobbies 2.8分 5下载 857阅读 2 my hobbies英语作文 3.9分 22下载 2,387阅读 3 有关hobbies英语作文9篇 3.6分 0下载 114阅读 4 有关hobbies英语作文9篇 3.9分 0下载 47阅读 5...

  • 英语作文《My Hobbies》

    英语作文《My Hobbies》《My Hobbies》 At this time, I’ d like to talk about my hobby.I have many hobby.First, I like playing games.

  • hobbies英语作文


  • my hobbies英语作文带翻译

    最新my hobbies英语作文带翻译3.8分 1下载 611阅读4 my hobbies英语作文及翻译4.5分 6下载 1,231阅读5 英语作文范例 My hobbies...

  • 初中英语作文:My Hobbies范文(精选21篇)

    初中英语作文:My Hobbies范文(精选21篇) 在平时的学习、工作或生活中,许多人都有过写作文的经历,对作文都不陌生吧,写作文可以锻炼我们的独处习惯,让自己的心静下来,思考自己未来的...

  • my hobbies英语作文带翻译

    And our hobbies are changing all the time.I used to listen to music.Because I thought it could make me relaxed and happy. But now I dont enjoy it. I am...

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