




  • short sleeve造句

    1、We will provide the students with 4 short sleeve T-shirts. 主办机构为学员 提供 4件 训练 用短袖T恤。

  • short list造句

    1、We have to choose a new manager from a short list of five candidates.

  • short and sharp

    内有更多更详细关于short and sharp的造句

  • short

    被认为是现在大宗生产的棉花的祖先。 内有更多更详细关于short-staple的造句

  • short

    1、But ask yourself: why would China need or want a short-range stealth aircraft? 但你问问自己: 中国 会 需要 或者 想要一种短程的隐形飞机吗?

  • short

    dated的造句和例句: 1. In the last year of his life he conceived the short-dated exchequer bill, still in use .在去世前一年,他拟定了短期英国《财政部法案》,这个法案至今还有效。内有更多更详细关于short-dated的造句

  • 用short

    For the short-term trainning, my english has great developmentFor the short-term trainning, my en glish has grea t development

  • short hair造句

    1、He's short.He has short hair, He has a yellow bicycle.(他是矮的。他有短的头发,他有一辆黄色的自行车。)

  • 用in short造句

    用in short造句In short, stop trying to force me to do what you w ant me to do.简而兄 培言之,羡喊唯不要试 渗升图强迫我做您想让我做的事情。

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