




  • 英语新闻词汇:“校园暴力”用英文怎么说?

    校园暴力(campus/school violence)、校园欺凌(school bullying)如今已越发引发关注,受害者可能会产生心理问题,影响健康,甚至影响人格发展,一些恶劣行为甚至构成了刑事案件(criminal ...

  • 英语语言学习:阻止校园的枪支暴力

    We're going to talk about gun violence.And we could start this story as we usually do-with a lot of tape reminding you of all the recent school shootings,including one just ...

  • 计算机暴力英语作文,描述校园暴力的英语作文(通用7篇)

    描述校园暴力的英语作文1 There is a news that makes me shocked.It is said that there happened a violent event in compus which cause 4 students injured and 2 dead.Some reasons arouse...

  • my school英语作文


  • 如何防止校园暴力

    不然同学一羡慕孩子,从而做出校园暴力 经常给学生们搭建一个互动的平台。组织一些集体协作而不竞争的游戏供大家玩。老师不要再对学生发怒。要温柔的体贴他们。让学生的压力降低。记住暴力的...

  • 校园欺凌事件英语作文

    校园欺凌事件英语作文 1 A Beijing mother’s article describing how her 10-year-old son was bullied at school went viral,bringing back memories for Chinese people who were bullied ...

  • 防止校园欺凌的名言警句 反校园暴力的句子

    预防校园欺凌口号 1.鸟儿因翅膀而自由翱翔,鲜花因芬芳而美丽,校园因文明而将更加进步。2.增强师生防范意识,营造校园安全环境。3.留心捡起是的一片纸,纯洁的是自己的精神;有意擦去的一块污渍...

  • 防止校园暴力英语作文

    防止校园暴力英语作文 防止校园暴力英语作文 防止校园暴力英语作文 篇一 I do not know from what time,a terrible phenomenon of the campus to break the quiet.Because a little small,some ...

  • 【英语作文】制止校园暴力 Stop the School Violence

    【英语作文】制止校园暴力 Stop the School Violence Aswe allknow,thesituationofschoolviolencemostappearsinhighschool,because ...

  • 无暴力校园

    论校园暴力及暴力游戏罪过心理生成机制 2.On the basis of analyzing the present condition and harm of campus violence,the reason of the campus violent is analyzed from students mental...

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